Danish Bonds DKK Acc.


1.93 %

Per 26/07/24 12:05



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Running approx.

0.40 %


Investment profile
The fund invests in listed bonds issued in DKK. The fund is actively managed and has an average duration of 3-5 years. The aim is a constant average duration of 4 years. The fund invests in bonds issued by governments, mortgage lenders and companies.

The typical investor
The typical investor has an investment horizon of at least 1 year and wishes to spread risk across many different Danish bonds. Furthermore the typical investor is looking for a highly stable return and annual distribution of dividends.

The objective is to obtain a return that equals or outperforms the return of the fund’s benchmark over a two-year period. The fund’s benchmark is EFFAS 1-3 – Danish government bonds.

The fund's investment profile

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Returns (according to costs)


Per 26/07/24 12:05

Today's Return -0.06 %

Return Jun: +0.76 %

Return YtD +1.93 %

NAV per. 26/07/24 12:05

Today's Return -0.06 %
Return year to date, % 1.93 %
NAV ultimo 32.45
Total Assets (m) 213 DKK

Returns - Last Update 01/07/24

Return year to date, % 1.20 %
1 Year 6.19 %
3 Years -3.83 %
5 Years -5.34 %
7 Years -1.72 %
10 Years -

NAV development

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Return & Dividend

Year Returns Dividend Income on equity Capital income Taxfree NAV per unit (End Year)
2023 6.27 % 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 31.83
2022 -10.44 % 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 29.95
2021 -2.48 % 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 33.44
2020 1.63 % 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 34.29
2019 1.50 % 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 33.75
2018 0.31 % 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 33.25
2017 1.80 % 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 33.15
2016 -0.03 % 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 32.56
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Latest trends

Danish Bonds DKK Acc Return June Return YtD
Latest trend 0.76 % 1.20 %
Return benchmark 0.90 % -0.06 %

Fund Holdings

Fund Holdings

Top 10 Holdings Coupon Country Base currency Proportion
4.20% BRF SDO 01.07.20273.96DenmarkDKK4.86 %
0.50% Nordea SDRO 01.01.20420.50DenmarkDKK4.61 %
2.25% Danske Stat 15.11.20332.25DenmarkDKK4.41 %
4.00% Nykredit SDO 01.10.20464.00DenmarkDKK3.84 %
4.00% BRF SDO 01.10.20534.00DenmarkDKK3.38 %
0.00% BRF SDO 01.10.20400.00DenmarkDKK3.01 %
0.00% Nordea SDRO 01.10.20400.00DenmarkDKK2.88 %
5.00% BRF SDO 01.10.20565.00DenmarkDKK2.80 %
2.00% Nykredit SDO 01.10.20472.00DenmarkDKK2.54 %
5.00% Nykredit SDO 01.10.20435.00DenmarkDKK2.43 %
Fund Holdings: 137
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Distribution by country

Country Proportion Change (%-Points)
Denmark 100.08 % 0.49 %
Faroe Islands 0.50 % 0.15 %
Other -0.57 % 0.00 %

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Lower risk

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Potentially lower rewards

Potentially higher rewards

Risk Scale

Placement of the fund on the scale is determined by the fluctuations of the funds NAV over the past five years.

Historical return fluctuations p.a.


Distribution by issuer

Distribution by issuer Proportion
Mortgage bonds 87.22 %
Government bonds 6.19 %
QUASI-soverreign 0.00 %
Company 7.16 %
Cash -0.57 %

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Fees and Expenses

Fees and Expenses

Fees and Expenses Running approx. Indirect Trade Cost Subscription Redemption
Danish Bonds DKK Acc. 0.40 % 0.06 % 2.90 % 0.00 %


Fond Facts
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Key Information

Key Information per. 30/6-24

ISIN DK0060738672
Danish VP Code 6073867
Inception of Share Class 15.08.2016
Benchmark 50% Nordea GCM 3Y + 50% Nordea GCM 5Y
Listed No
Accumulated No
AGM (annual general meeting) 22.03.2024
Rec. investment horizon Min. 3 years
Portfolio Manager Nikolaj Fabricius
Base currency DKK
Expected annual costs 0.40 %
Indirect Trade Cost 0.06 %
Share Class Assets (m) 205 DKK
Total Assets (m) 4,431 DKK
Denomination 10
Tax rate 2023 31.83 DKK
NAV ultimo June 2024 32.21
Tax Rate -
Fund Holdings 137
Income type Capital income
Taxation Stock taxation
Dividend (2022) -
Year to Date 1.20 %
Deviation + (1 year) (per. 28/6-24) 3.16
Deviation + (3 years) (per. 28/6-24) 5.03
Sharpe Ratio (3 Years) (per. 28/6-24) -0.64
Yield to Maturity 3.57 %
Average Duration 4,21